Our Story…
Before my daughter, Amelie, was born with TUBB 5 (a rare brain disorder), ataxic cerebral palsy and congenital cataracts I did not know very much at all about living with a disability. As Amelie grew and we began to attend events for children with disabilities, I decided that I wanted to get involved - whether it be by playing guitar or simply goofing off with the kids. After volunteering at several functions with friends, I pitched the idea of forming a nonprofit to my good buddy, Bobby Blount, and he jumped in to help make Everyday Sunshine an official 501c3 organization. Our mission is to make the world a little more inclusive to those with disabilities.
Since 2012 we have performed concerts, put on puppet shows, hosted karaoke and Dance Dance Revolution parties, game nights and sing-alongs for organizations such as the ARC of Morgan County, CASA of North Alabama, F.A.C.E.S., Shining Stars, Extraordinary People, Power of Pink Walk for Cancer, Night of Hope, Camp Merrimack, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, United Cerebral Palsy Association, Softball for Everyone, Backpacks for Hope and Charity:Water.
Over the past decade we’ve met a lot of parents of children with different abilities and one thing that we kept hearing over and over was the concern of what will they do after high school. The unemployment rate for those with intellectual disabilities is over 80%. This made me think of Amelie and what her future holds. Where will she work? Research led me to a few people across the country who are doing great things to provide jobs for those with disabilities. One such couple are Dave and Sandi Krikac, who started Our Thrift Store in Franklin, Tennessee for their daughter, Sara. After meeting them and checking out their amazing operation we started thinking of doing something similar in Decatur. After much thought, time and prayer we were offered a space at Grace Life Church to open a thrift store. This retail space has currently trained six adults with disabilities and serves as a work co-op for high school students in Decatur’s AIM Developmental Program in partnership with the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services. Our mission is to create a space where people can gain job skills and confidence, capitalize on their strengths and realize their potential.
In 2019 I was approached by Jason Lake, the Director of Parks and Rec, about contributing ideas for a possible inclusive playground in Decatur. It really excited me and planted a seed in my mind about what it could look like. One day while driving through my neighborhood, I noticed a huge field beside my church that I had seen literally thousands of times and all of a sudden it came to me……the playground could go here! I pitched the idea to Brother Orville Collins and his staff and they decided that a playground for people of all abilities would be a great use of the property. The church voted unanimously to donate the unused land to the City of Decatur for the Everyday Sunshine Playpark ! We’re working together with the City to raise the money and build a 100% inclusive playground. How exciting is that?
That brings us up to the present. Things are really happening but we still need partners like you to help promote these ideas and support them with your time, ideas, word of mouth advertising, gently used donations for the thrift store and financial donations to keep it moving forward. We greatly appreciate it !
Thank you for your time,
Jeff Sharp
Director and Amelie’s Dad